
Polls, Points, & Leaderboards


Polls create exciting engagement opportunities for hosts and their viewers. Polls can have a correct answer, or purely be opinions. This article describes how to create and push polls to your viewers. 

Create a new Poll

  1. Locate the Polls tab in the Live Dashboard of the event
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2. To create a new poll, press the Create Poll button. Hosts will be prompted to populate a title, a question, and up to 4 possible responses.  You must specify at least one answer.

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Once the poll is created, it will appear in the Polls tab, where hosts have the option to SendEditClose, or Delete the poll.  Hosts will also be able to see how many votes each question received, and the corresponding %.

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3. Hosts can disable additional responses by selecting the 3 dots, and then selecting Close.  The poll results will remain visible to viewers, but they will no longer be able to submit a response. 

To Edit the title, question, or any of the answers, simply press the Edit option. You can also use this to specify the correct answer once it is known

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4. If the poll contains a correct answer, hosts have the option to select it prior to sending the poll. The alternative is to specify the correct answer at a later time. This is done by selecting Edit, and then selecting the box corresponding to the correct answer. ("Has Correct Answer" must still be selected prior to the poll's creation).

Hosts will also have the option to send the poll to viewers immediately, or wait until later. This option is useful for hosts that prepare their poll's prior to going live. Uncheck the Send Immediately button to send the poll at a later time

When a poll is sent, it will become visible to viewers via a pop-up panel in the event's chat feed. Once a user exits the poll, the poll will minimize, and remaining in the chat.  


Here is how your viewers will see the poll before, and after they answer.

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If your polls have a correct answer you can specify points that a user can earn.

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With polls, you can specify the correct answer later. This is helpful for "betting" inside of a watch party. As people complete polls, the points accumulate on the Leaderboard.

How should you use points?

You can use points however you like, but many people use points like "odds" in sports betting. So if an answer is more likely to be correct, it might be fewer points. For example, you can ask "How many yards will Tom Brady throw?", then populate the answer later to determine the winner.

If you know the answer in advance, for example "Who won the 1990 Superbowl?". You can give more points for right answers, and specify the right answer right away.


Hosts can access leaderboard information from the Live Dashboard.

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What to do with points? Anything you want! Hosts of streams use points for contests, pride, or to give people the ability to join streams, and more!