
Org Set Up

The first step in setting up your streaming platform is to decide how you want to group content, creators, and access to tools. Each organization can have unique user bases, branding, administrators, and dashbaords which may help you in your product strategy. If all admins, creators, and users will be part of the same organization you can skip this section.

Organizations can add users as admins or creators:

  • Admins have controls for adding creators, managing dashboards, controling and moderating live streams, and managing content.
  • Creators only have access to content they created and only see a dashboard with their stats

Adding or Managing Sub-Organizations

An admin can add a sub-organization inside their organization. Adding a sub-organization allows you to segment your team. Admins of a parent organization can manage the child organization, but admins of a child organization cannot see or manage the parents.

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Adding or Managing Users

If a user has permissions, they can add, edit, or remove other users in the "Users" section under "Producer Tools".

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The co-host role has similar permissions to a Creator inside a stream, but they are not necessarily added to the organization. Inviting a co-host to a stream gives them permission to that stream only.

To add a co-host to your stream.

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  • Click enter the email of whom you'd like to invite (up to 5 people)
  • Include an optional message, then have your co-host follow the link in their email. Its a fast and run through the 30 second sign up process!
  • Once you've invited them once, they will live in your Friends list for easy adding later!