
Changelog (2023)

November 14, 2023 - iOS SDK Version 5.0.7


  • Updated Bitmovin dependency to 3.44.2.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

October 30, 2023 - iOS SDK Version 5.0.6

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved issue where playback may not automatically initialize properly in some cases.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Sep 13, 2023 - iOS SDK Version 5.0.5


  • Hosts can tap Show Preview to bypass stream scheduled mode - no longer automatically bypassed.
  • Player is unmuted upon starting player by default. This can be overriden by stream commands via the SDK or client application.

Other Notes

  • Updated dependencies, including replacing the depreciated TrueTime with Kronos.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

July 27, 2023 - iOS SDK Version 5.0.4


  • Add support for uploaded image with guest call ins. Guest call ins can now see uploaded images.
  • Updated dependencies, replaced TrueTime with Kronos

Bug Fixes

  • In some cases, a stream viewer could get into a state where the initial "thumbnail" for the stream was not getting hidden, and they could not see the stream. We have a check now that will hide this thumbnail within 30s of getting into this state, when it occurs. Most viewers were not affected before.
  • Resolved issue where new chats may stop appearing in the feed

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Jul 19, 2023 - Android SDK Version 1.7.4


Guest Call In users can now see image templates used by other creators. Hosts must still set the image template.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.7.4'

May 24, 2023 - iOS SDK Version 5.0.3


  • Updated dependencies, including BitMovin to 3.36.0

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

May 18, 2023 - Android SDK Version 1.7.2


See full profile option is now fully working as a feature for the profile page. This is a link that you can provide to the SDK, which makes a "See Full Profile" button appear. Tapping this event will trigger seeFullProfileTapped. Note that this option will only be shown if the response to the getUserProfile() function has the HMProfile.showFullProfileOption flag set to true.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.7.2'

May 17, 2023 - Android SDK Version 1.7.1


  • Additional information is now provided in the is now provided in the setFollowingUser function in addition to user id: restriction, isHost, and isCohost

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.7.1'

May 17, 2023 - iOS SDK Version 5.0.2


  • Additional information is now provided in the is now provided in the setFollowingUser, shouldShowSeeFullProfileButton, and seeFullProfileButtonTapped functions in addition to user id: restriction, isHost, and isCohost

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

April 25, 2023 - Android SDK Version 1.7.0

Breaking Changes

  • Replaced getFollowData function with getUserProfile to allow your app to provide the complete user’s profile info.
    • Related to this change, you must now choose whether to provide all data from your application or to use the limited data stored on HotMic's servers. We assume if you provide data to us, it is the complete set of profile information. This means if you include only some data (such as following/followers), then we assume that is all you want to show. So make sure when you replace getFollowData with getUserProfile, you pass all data you wish to be on that page.

More information is here:


There have been a few improvements to the poll experience, based on feedback from customers.

  • Hide poll points label, if points is zero
  • Restricted users cannot access the profile screen
  • Additional information of user-restriction, isHost/isCohost will be passed to the parent app in the getUserProfile call back
  • Guests can now join streams by video, and see the templates created.

Bug Fixes

  • Defect: Poll option percentage not shown in certain scenarios, fixed

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.7.0'

April 25, 2023 - iOS SDK Version 5.0.1

New Features

Extending from last release, we have some updates to improve your ability to control the "people panels", meaning you can provide all the data. You can see more information about this here:

  • Users with the view_and_polls_only user restriction and any unknown values can no longer view user profiles
  • HMRestrictedAction gained a new viewUserProfile case
  • Additional information is now provided in the is now provided in the getUserProfile function in addition to user id: restriction, isHost, and isCohost


  • Hide count in people button if it’s 0

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

April 18, 2023 - iOS SDK Version 5.0.0

New Features

We now allow more control over the "people panels", meaning you can provide all the data. You can see more information about this here:

  • Added ability to provide custom images via the new HMMediaPlayerAppearanceDelegate function
  • Added support for additional social links. Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch are now all supported. The layout will move from horizontal to vertical in the relevant list if there are more than 3 social links.
  • Added support for a See Full Profile button in the user profile

Breaking Changes

  • Replaced getUserFollowState(id:completion:) function with getUserProfile(id:completion:) to allow app to provide the complete user’s profile info.
    • Related to this change, you must now choose whether to provide all data from your application or to use the limited data stored on HotMic's servers. We assume if you provide data to us, it is the complete set of profile information. This means if you include only some data (such as following/followers), then we assume that is all you want to show. So make sure when you replace getUserFollowState with getUserProfile, you pass all data you wish to be on that page.

More information is here:


  • Updated images used for join and sync buttons. These are now descriptive icons and do not include the HotMic logo, to better enable white-labeling.

Bugs Fixed

  • No longer show points in the poll answer button nor your result if its value is 0

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Mar 17, 2023 - iOS SDK Version 4.3.2


There have been a few improvements to the poll experience, based on feedback from customers.

  • The poll results now show the percentage of results answered for each category instead of the number of results.
  • The poll will not pop up automatically when a user enters a stream. Some users reported this felt like an error. When a host "Sends" a poll, it will continue its current behavior, which will pop up for users already in the stream.
  • Apple Silicon is now supported.
  • Video Guest Call-In - This feature (which allows guests using the mobile app to join a stream) has received various smaller improvements to make it more ready for production use cases. This has been in beta since the last build and is still in beta at the time of this release.

Bugs Fixed

  • If you deleted all polls before, it could generate a UI bug. This was resolved.
  • If you deleted polls while on certain pages in the UI, it could generate a temporary UI bug. This was resolved.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Feb 27, 2023 - Android SDK Version 1.6.3

Bug Fixes

  • The replay option on the player error slate was not working, this has now been fixed.


There have been a few improvements to the poll experience, based on feedback from customers.

  • The poll results now show the percentage of results answered for each category instead of the count of results.
  • The poll will not pop up automatically when a user enters a stream. Some users reported this felt like an error. When a host "Sends" a poll, it will continue its current behavior, which is to pop up for users already in the stream.

Features Added

  • allowStateLoss feature. For closePlayer, an additional param is added called allowStateLoss. Setting this to true will remove the fragment with state loss. This defaults to false. For most scenarios, the default value of false is recommended, especially if the parent activity has features/fragments other than the player. For more details, see our Android SDK Documentation:

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.6.3'

Jan 25, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.3.1

This release still has the newer underlying player system, but as we have not found any issues since our beta release, we are no longer considering this release beta. We do urge customers to give us feedback as they implement their own players.


  • The timing for the host going live has been improved, it should now be more accurate!
  • We have improved the performance in situations with large volumes of chats and reactions.

Features Added

  • Video Guest Call-In - There is beta support for enabling hosts to complete guest call-ins with video. The prior versions only supported audio-only call-ins. To set this up, you do need to speak with us.

Bugs Fixed

  • We resolved several ayptical issues involving muting and unmuting as a guest call in.
  • We resolved atypical issues involving muting and unmuting the video player when using a custom player.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Jan 25, 2023 - Android SDK Version 1.6.2

This release still has the newer underlying player system, but as we have not found any issues since our beta release, we are no longer considering this release beta. We do urge customers to give us feedback as they implement their own players.


  • The timing for the host going live has been improved, it should now be more accurate!

Features Added

  • Video Guest Call-In - There is beta support for enabling hosts to complete guest call-ins with video. The prior versions only supported audio-only call-ins. To set this up, you do need to speak with us.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.6.2'

Dec 28, 2022 - Public REST API Update

Features Added

We are releasing 2 new API endpoints for the API:

You can view documentation for these endpoints by going here: API .


  • If you update the invite link, make sure to use a link that is associated with the stream in your own application. This invite link is visible and usable by hosts to share with their audience.
  • The default_invite_link is a link you create for your own application to something like a homepage or host profile page. It is provided to hosts to share to their audience if they do not have a stream invite link.

Update Instructions

There is no need to update the API, just use the new endpoints as needed.

Dec 23, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.3.0 - BETA

This release is currently in a beta state, as the underlying player system had significant changes to support enabling of third-party players. There are no known issues at this time, and if none are found we will remove the beta label.

Features Added

  • You can now use your own custom player instead of the default player. This is useful if you want to re-use an existing player in your application or leverage features from another player. To use your own player, HotMic needs to both receive events from the player and send commands to the player. To do this, your application needs to implement the protocol as described here: Using Your Own Player (iOS)


  • Video guest call in start time has been improved.

Changes Made

  • Renamed player view’s accessibility identifier from primaryPlayerView to playerView

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Dec 23, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.6.1 - BETA

This release is currently in a beta state, as the underlying player system had significant changes to support enabling of third-party players. There are no known issues at this time, and if none are found we will remove the beta label.

Features Added

  • You can now use your own custom player instead of the default player. This is useful if you want to re-use an existing player in your application or leverage features from another player. To use your own player, HotMic needs to both receive events from the player and send commands to the player. To do this, your application needs to implement the protocol as described here: Using Your Own Player (Android)

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.6.1'

Dec 5, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.2.1

Bugs Fixed

  • We have resolved an issue where the chat might freeze temporarily until an event would unfreeze it. The bug was triggered by a condition involving multiple reactions on a chat in some cases. Now, the chat should continue to scroll without issue in this case. We have resolved an issue where users trying to join a live stream as a guest-caller could not rejoin after dismissing the panel to join.

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Dec 4, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.5.2

Features Added

  • Added optional videoURL to the streams object (get-streams and get-streams-by-id). This returns a HLS url of the live stream when the stream state is live, returns a VOD url of the VOD HLS stream when the state is VOD, and returns null when it is in a different state. This could be used to show a preview of the video in other parts of your application.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.5.2'

Nov 23, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.2.0

Features Added

This release should provide the ability to pass "user_restrictions" for a user similar to the way you do for "profile_pic". This is optional, but if you provide view_and_polls_only, then the user will be limited in what they can do in the session. They can view the video and chat and they can answer polls and share the video. But they can't chat, react, join the stream, or follow. You still need to use JWT tokens, but the body of the JWT does not need to reflect any real user. Essentially all that changes is the payload. Where before the payload might look like this:


you can now add the user_restrictions like this:


When you pass this user_restriction, we will block that user from taking the restricted action.

When the user attempts to perform a restricted action, the following function will be called allowing you to handle this event, for example by presenting a view controller. Return true if you handle it or false if you'd like HotMic to handle it by informing the user this action is restricted.


To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Nov 23, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.5.1

Features Added

This release should provide the ability to pass "user_restrictions" for a user similar to the way you do for "profile_pic". This is optional, but if you provide view_and_polls_only, then the user will be limited in what they can do in the session. They can view the video and chat and they can answer polls and share the video. But they can't chat, react, join the stream, or follow. You still need to use JWT tokens, but the body of the JWT does not need to reflect any real user Essentially all that changes is the payload. Where before the payload might look like this:


you can now add the user_restrictions like this:


When you pass this user_restriction, we will block that user from taking the restricted action.

When the user attempts to perform a restricted action, the following function will be called allowing you to handle this event, for example by presenting a view. Return true if you handle it or false if you'd like HotMic to handle it by informing the user this action is restricted.


Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.5.1'

Nov 8, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.5.0

This release contains new features and bug fixes.


  • SDK updated to target Android 32
  • Minor changes to Participant handling performance

Features Added

  • Added function to get a stream by ID. See below for a sample of how to call it. This function includes duration of the video.

  • New color resource added for progress scrubber

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.5.0'

Nov 8, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.1.0


  • Added accessibility identifiers to the chat text field, player overlay image view, and primary player view
  • Upgraded target to iOS 16.

Features Added

  • Added function to get a stream by ID. See below for a sample of how to call it. This function includes duration of the video.
  • Added optional videoURL to HMStream. This returns a HLS url of the live stream when the stream state is live, returns a VOD url of the VOD HLS stream when the state is VOD, and returns null when it is in a different state. This could be used to show a preview of the video in other parts of your application.


  • removed support for iOS 12 and 13

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Oct 18, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.0.6

This release contains bug fixes.

Bugs Fixed

  • We have made several optimizations to the presence or people sheet in the SDK that shows the number of users in the stream, and lists the users in the stream. These optimizations may result in slightly slower updates of the numbers, but the SDK is now much more stable in tests of up to 100,000 concurrent users.

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Oct 3, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.0.5

This release contains updates and bug fixes.


  • Removed Shipbook dependency, which was creating some errors for customers.

Bugs Fixed

  • Use computed properties for colors to ensure we get a new instance each time

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Oct 3, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.4.11

This release contains new features and bug fixes.


  • Removed Shipbook dependency, which was creating some errors for customers.

Bugs Fixed

  • Share functionality was crashing if the client app is targeting android 32 and is being testing on a device > 30. This was fixed.
  • Share icon was being shown on the player UI after a delay. This was fixed.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.4.11'

Sep 19, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.4.10

This release contains new features and bug fixes.

Features Added

  • On starting an uploaded video, it will be shown in the main player view, and the player with the host will be shown as a PIP.
  • On starting an uploaded video, if the state is paused, then show the thumbnail/blank screen for the uploaded video, with the player with the host in PIP.
  • Added new analytics event Video Started which is triggered each time the primary player starts playing. Note this is equivalent to the Video Playing event, which occured on Android, but we added this event to make it consistent with iOS.

Bugs Fixed

  • Mute and unmute audio was not working for guest call ins to the stream. This is fixed now.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.4.10'

Sep 19, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.0.4

This release contains new features and bug fixes.

Features Added

Bugs Fixed

  • Renamed Report/Delete Chat to Report/Delete Comment
  • Prevented new chats from getting inserted while scrolling to latest chat

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Aug 30, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.0.3

This release contains new features and bug fixes.

Features Added

  • Chat table view gets content insets so banner ads and the info panel don’t overlay the topmost cells.

Bugs Fixed

  • Resolved issue where you couldn’t tap the host cell in the people screen
  • The "duration" attribute of the "video played" event now returns duration in seconds, as a double, and only counts the time spent watching the video for that particular stream.
  • Stream thumbnail is now displayed until the video has started playing

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Aug 30, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.4.8

This release contains new features and bug fixes.

Features Added

  • The thumbnail now appears at the beginning and the end of the stream, when no video is playing.
  • A "host" label now appears on hosts in the chat, indicating that it is the host that is chatting.

Bugs Fixed

  • The "duration" attribute of the "video played" event now returns duration in seconds, as a double, and only counts the time spent watching the video for that particular stream.
  • The "troubleshoot" option is now disabled by default, so those who have not set this up will not have this option.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.4.6'

Aug 18, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.0.2

This update has dropped the release candidate label. This contains new features and bug fixes.

Features Added

  • We now hide the invite button in the people screen if there’s no share text provided.

Bugs Fixed

  • We resolved an issue where poll responses weren’t getting submitted properly.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer.

Aug 18, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.4.6

This update has dropped the release candidate label. This contains new features and bug fixes.

Features Added

  • The invite link is now hidden if there is no implementation provided by the parent app for the getShareText callback.

Bugs Fixed

  • Rapid pressing of reactions was leading to incorrect count. This has been resolved.
  • The "Join" option in the members panel looked distorted in some cases. This has been resolved.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.4.6'

Aug 10, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.4.5-rc (Release Candidate)

This update contains a series of improvements and bug fixes for issues found. We consider this a release candidate at this time, and will either publish a new version or update this to live if no issues are found in production.


  • We made multiple improvements to support Uploaded Videos, which are videos uploaded to HotMic, we make an HLS stream for them, and they can be played by the host in their stream. This is the first release with support for this feature.
  • The video_played analytics event now includes Duration, which has how long the viewer was watching the stream cumulatively, at the time they left the video. It will return null if we could not calculate this for some reason.
  • There are new colors that need to be used for polls be used for the polls. hmp_pollPrimary is used for marking the selected answer and for the percentage bar on the options. hmp_pollPrimaryContrast is used for the pressed state of the options.
  • Polls have been enhanced to support larger scale.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a memory issue in the main player could cause the app to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where following the host from the profile panel was not updating the host info panel.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.4.5'

Aug 15, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.0.1-rc (Release Candidate)

This update contains several bug fixes and an additional analytics event.

Features Added

  • Removed poll entry page, to get you straight into polls.
  • Screen Shown analytics events additions. We now pass analytics events for the following screens:
    • On the panel called "chat_reactions_list", which is where you view all reactions for all participants in a stream.

Bug Fixes

  • Improvements to the sync process for Uploaded Videos.
  • Present action and share sheets as popovers on iPad to prevent crashes.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer or update your Podfile.lock.

Aug 11, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 4.0.0-rc (Release Candidate)

This update contains several features giving more control over the HotMic SDK. We consider this a release candidate at this time and will either publish a new version or update this to live if no issues are found in production.

Features Added

  • Banner ads now fade in/out, animation. The duration of the animation can be customized by passing a "Duration" in milliseconds. Specify 0 to disable animation.
  • Screen Shown analytics events additions. We now pass analytics events for the following screens:
    • On the panel where you view all participants in a stream
  • Color changes to allow more color customization. The color changes include:
    • Added new tint content colors:
      • Primary Tint Content
      • Secondary Tint Content
      • Tertiary Tint Content
    • Renamed Highlight color to Highlighted Fill
    • Added new fill colors:
      • Selected Fill,
      • Selected Poll Answer Fill
  • Video Played analytics event is now sent with a Duration.
    • Duration is the total amount of time in milliseconds the user has ever spent in this video’s stream as determined by the backend.
    • Note that Duration will not be included if the request to get this data failed or the data does not exist.
    • Note the Video Played event no longer occurs at the same time the video ended, and thus the current session duration calculated from when you were informed Video Played started to when Video Played occurred will be greater than the amount of time the video was played, due to the amount of time it took to fetch the total duration (Mixpanel’s duration for HotMic app)
  • Support for using Uploaded Videos that are streamed to the player via HLS. Hosts can use these to show content they have.
  • Updated dependencies:
    • Bitmovin 3 has been restored


  • Improved the scalability of polling by using our new polls service.

Bug Fixes

  • Updated use of color in chat input accessory view
  • Resolved issue where HOST badges would not change color when system appearance changes

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer or update your Podfile.lock.

Aug 10, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.4.5-rc (Release Candidate)

This update contains a series of improvements and bug fixes for issues found. We consider this a release candidate at this time, and will either publish a new version or update this to live if no issues are found in production.


  • We made multiple improvements to support Uploaded Videos, which are videos uploaded to HotMic, we make an HLS stream for them, and they can be played by the host in their stream. This is the first release with support for this feature.
  • The video_played analytics event now includes Duration, which has how long the viewer was watching the stream cumulatively, at the time they left the video. It will return null if we could not calculate this for some reason.
  • There are new colors that need to be used for polls be used for the polls. hmp_pollPrimary is used for marking the selected answer and for the percentage bar on the options. hmp_pollPrimaryContrast is used for the pressed state of the options.
  • Polls have been enhanced to support larger scale.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a memory issue in the main player could cause the app to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where following the host from the profile panel was not updating the host info panel.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.4.5'

July 25, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 3.1.0-rc. 1 (Release Candidate)

This update contains several features more control over the HotMic SDK. We consider this a release candidate at this time, and will either publish a new version or update this to live if no issues are found in production.

Features Added

  • Description and Tags - Streams can now have a description, which is a plain text description of a stream like "This is the highlights from the 2022 NFL Draft". Streams can also have tags, which are an array of text fields set by the creator of the stream. They can be anything, like "NBA", "Restricted Content", and more.
  • Volume Controls - We now support getting and changing stream media volume which overrides the user’s current media volume. This only works for some types of media.
  • Style changes.
    • Use bold variants for default fonts for highlighted body and highlighted caption 1.
    • Update tint color of points image and text in poll answer view when you selected an answer and are awaiting results.
    • Updated progress fill color for the selected poll answer.
  • Improved tracking for duration - Duration allows admins to know how long a user has been in a stream. The tracking part of duration is in this release, but a future release will provide the ability to retrieve duration.


  • Remove token from MediaSync as it was not used.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolve issue where get streams request was not sending specified user id.
  • Resolve issue where some streams were wrongly showing as inaccessible.
  • Remove unintentional ) in a text field.
  • Update follow buttons in player and guest user profile to correctly change when the follow state changes.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer or update your Podfile.lock.

July 5, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.4.3-rc.3 (Release Candidate)

This update contains a series of bug fixes for issues found. We consider this a release candidate at this time, and will either publish a new version or update this to live if no issues are found in production.


  • The Camera requirement has been removed from the SDK, so end users do not need to have a device with a camera to use an app with the SDK installed.

Bug Fixes

  • We resolved an issue that caused Follow Tapped and Sharing analytic events not sending in some circumstances.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.4.3'

June 21, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.4.2-rc.2 (Release Candidate)

This update contains a series of bug fixes for issues found, as well as a previously mentioned known issue. We consider this a release candidate at this time, and will either publish a new version or update this to live if no issues are found in production.


  • Improved the way YouTube videos look in streams in a variety of ways.
  • Improved the syncing of YouTube volume changes triggered by the host.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a chat reaction triggered the AE_VIDEO_PUBLISH_END instead of the Chat Reacted event. It now triggers the proper event.
  • Viewers joining a stream after the host has started playing YouTube will now see the YouTube video in sync right away.

Known Issues

  • The Guest Call-In Feature is experiencing some rare stability issues we are investigating and expect a fix soon.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, simply make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.4.2'

June 12, 2022 - Android SDK Version 1.4.1-rc.1 (Release Candidate)

This update contains much more control over the HotMic SDK. We consider this a release candidate at this time, and will either publish a new version or update this to live if no issues are found in production.

Features Added

  • Major Design Revamp - We have updated the UI based on feedback from our users, please give us your feedback! The biggest differences are in poll pages and the user profile pages.
  • More font controls - We significantly revamped our font controls to allow you to input many more controls. View our Android SDK Documentation for more details.
  • Added new Ads API to display ads from Google Ads. View the Android SDK Documentation for more details.
  • Allowed apps to pass follower count, following count, and following status into the HotMic SDK in the new getFollowData in the callback interface. This is great if you are managing following statuses in another application. Check out the getFollowData callback in the Android SDK documentation for details.
  • Chat reactions have changed. Users now tap on a message to react.
  • A new full screen option was added for users. To use this, users just tap the icon in the bottom right of the stream.
  • We have added "Tags" and "Description" to the streams object. This means if a creator or admin on a stream adds tags or descriptions (outside the SDK), these will be returned in the streams objects.
    • Tags are an array of strings, and can be anything set by the user.
    • Description is a string, that can be used to describe a stream in more detail.


  • isFollowing was removed. It was replaced with getFollowData.
  • We removed the polls from the chat feed, since they now appear in the toolbar.

Bug Fixes

  • We made a variety of performance improvements to loading the streams page.
  • We solved several UI bugs that could occur on a stream in some cases. some items to improve accessibility across several pages, including polls.
  • We resolved some rare issues involving co-hosts streaming on top of YouTube.
  • We resolved some issues with going on break while on YouTube.

Known Issues

  • Viewers cannot currently view a YouTube video that a host has started prior to them joining the stream. We expect to fix this in our next patch release.
  • The Guest Call-In Feature is experiencing some rare stability issues we are investigating and expect a fix soon.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, simply make sure that your build.gradle(app) includes the following dependency:

implementation 'io.hotmic.player:hotmic-android-sdk:1.4.1'

May 31, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 3.0.1-rc. 2 (Release Candidate)

This contains a minor update to ensure compatibility across devices.

Bug Fixes

  • There was a missing framework file that was re-added.

May 31, 2022 - iOS SDK Version 3.0.0-rc. 1 (Release Candidate)

This update contains much more control over the HotMic SDK. We consider this a release candidate at this time, and will either publish a new version or update this to live if no issues are found in production.

Features Added

  • Major Design Revamp - We have updated the UI based on feedback from our users, please give us your feedback!
  • More font controls - We significantly revamped our font controls to allow you to input many more controls. We improved our documentation about the theme options here Custom Themes so you can review where your font selections will appear in the HotMic SDK.
  • Added new Ads API to display ads from Google Ads. See Ads for more details.
  • Allowed apps to pass follower count, following count, and following status into the HotMic SDK. This is great if you are managing following in another application. see Social Features for more details.


  • We removed the polls from the chat feed, since they now appear in the toolbar.

Bug Fixes

  • We updated some items to improve accessibility across several pages, including polls.
  • We resolved some rare issues involving co-hosts streaming on top of YouTube.
  • We resolved some issues with going on break while on YouTube.

Update Instructions

To update to this version, run pod update HotMicMediaPlayer or update your Podfile.lock.

Earlier Changelogs Available Upon Request

We changed our documentation system May 31, 2022. Versions of the docs prior to that point are available upon request.